Sunt evenimente in fata carora ramai fara cuvinte, fara resurse, fara putere, fara glas, imobil, mut. Ai vrea sa strigi dar vocea iti este paralizata. Ai vrea sa plangi. Sa iti plangi durerea. Sa plangi durerea lumii. Dar parca, pentru un anumit fel de durere, lacrimile sunt prea putine, sunt insuficiente, pentru ca lacrimile se usuca, dar durerea, durerea atator suflete, este condamnata sa ramana adanc intiparita pe chip, sa lase urme de sange, care poate se vor cicatriza, dar care vor durea mereu, latent sau acut, manifest. E un fel de durere condamnata la nevindecare. Si atunci, la ce bun lacrimile, cand lacrimile mele vin si pleaca, cand durerea mea e legata doar cu un fir fragil, de un gand, un gand care salasluieste un timp in mine si apoi se evapora? In fata acestui fel de durere, razbate neputinta umana. Neputinta de a simti, poate, la nivelul la care ar trebui sa simta. Neputinta de a actiona in consecinta. Neputinta de a nu adanci durerea care, privita din exterior, nu stim cum se simte
, prin afirmatii, prin revolte, prin certuri, prin dezbateri, prin "de ce-uri", prin vina pasata dintr-un teren in altul... Pentru ca toata revolta se va stinge, toate afirmatiile si neintelegerile isi vor pierde sensul, toate se vor estompa curand pentru noi, simplii spectatori. Ce va ramane, e doar durerea, pura, nealterata, a celor care au fost si nu mai sunt, a celor care au ramas, a celor care au vazut, a celor carora existenta le-a fost marcata iremediabil.
As vrea sa pot sa spun ceva, dar atata durere ma indeamna sa tac, in semn de respect pentru ceva ce inca nu mi-a fost dat sa simt. Se pot gasi vinovati. Se pot gasi explicatii. Se poate implora Divinitatea, pentru un raspuns. Cert e ca, in locul celor ce au plecat, am fi putut sa fim noi, oricare dintre noi, pentru ca nimeni nu e cu nimic mai bun. Nimeni nu e cu nimic mai indreptatit sa traiasca. Cert e ca avem in fata inca o zi, ziua asta, care altora le-a fost, brutal, smulsa, sa invatam ceva. Sa schimbam ceva in esenta noastra. E genul de durere care ne obliga sa nu ramanem la fel. Ne obliga sa tacem mai mult si sa actionam mai mult. Ne obliga sa iubim. Ne obliga sa ne indreptam privirea spre Vesnicie, spre Dumnezeu, spre singurul lucru durabil, pentru ca fiinta umana e trecatoare, e neputincioasa in fata mortii.
duminică, 1 noiembrie 2015
luni, 6 iulie 2015
Let go...
People come and people go. Sometimes we find ourselves in places we would wish to stay forever.
Sometimes, we want to beg the moment to embrace and to hold us, to hide us from the passing of time.
We would expect life to be a straight path. A path of becoming. An evolution. We would expect to start at some point and finish at some other point, to become mature, to find some answers on the way. The reality is that too often, life is a circle. A closed one. It brings us happines from time to time. Other times, it throws us back where we begun. Leaving us without any bench-mark. Proving us that we didn't gather any experience. That we are some sort of apprentice all the time.
We don't have the right to hold on to the moment. Or people. Or feelings.
All I have ever learned from life, until this point, is that I have to let go. I still don't know how to do it.
Sometimes, we want to beg the moment to embrace and to hold us, to hide us from the passing of time.
We would expect life to be a straight path. A path of becoming. An evolution. We would expect to start at some point and finish at some other point, to become mature, to find some answers on the way. The reality is that too often, life is a circle. A closed one. It brings us happines from time to time. Other times, it throws us back where we begun. Leaving us without any bench-mark. Proving us that we didn't gather any experience. That we are some sort of apprentice all the time.
We don't have the right to hold on to the moment. Or people. Or feelings.
All I have ever learned from life, until this point, is that I have to let go. I still don't know how to do it.
duminică, 5 aprilie 2015
I know that beyond you, beyond absence
beyond silence, above words
beyond darkness and so much far from lightness,
somewhere between you, me, us
but not too far from loneliness
in a place where the sound
is not much louder than the stillness
in the mute sound of a guitar,
I'll find the shiver of your touch
barely touching my skin
more than a memory,
but much further from being real.
I know there is such place
because there is no stronger truth
than the unspoken promise
betrayed by the scream, the light, and realness
of your absence.
beyond silence, above words
beyond darkness and so much far from lightness,
somewhere between you, me, us
but not too far from loneliness
in a place where the sound
is not much louder than the stillness
in the mute sound of a guitar,
I'll find the shiver of your touch
barely touching my skin
more than a memory,
but much further from being real.
I know there is such place
because there is no stronger truth
than the unspoken promise
betrayed by the scream, the light, and realness
of your absence.
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